Why SMS?

Yes, why SMS? In layman's terms and observations - because the next guy in the line in front of you is carrying a handphone. So, the guy in front of him, ad infinitum. And what are they doing? Calling? Maybe, two minutes tops. Unless they're madly in love and have tons of reload cards. Typing SMS? You bet. What are people doing when they take a break? Checking their SMS.  

Even you want to be grabbing your phown to type some SMS now, don't you? SMS to the handphone is like email to the PC. Heck, you even have emails on your handphone if you choose to have it. But it still doesn't beat the simplicity and effectiveness of an SMS. In short, SMS rocks!

Why SMS? It's instant gratification. No configuration. The moment you send a message you can bet your monthly postpaid that the message is sent to your destined target, wherever they are in the world. You only hope they read it, and they ususally do. 

The best thing is, you can say what you want to say without being subjective to the person you are targeting. Imagine cold calling, or announcing something, even marketing a product, or sending greetings. We now prefer SMS to do the talking rather than the old phonecall or snail mail card.

What if I can offer you something for your troubles? Seems like keeping in touch with all you contacts, friends, family and remebering their birthday or other dates for that matter; is a tacky business. You'd have to spend minutes to hours, depending on your contact list, to get everybody their share of greetings. 

The Malay phrase adopted by TV9 - "Dekat Di Hati" (Close to the Heart) carries a lot of weight in keeping a warm reception the next time we see our friend in real life, rather than a fixed jpeg in our contacts book. So, what if I can offer you something, a small program that can handle your greetings, your personalised messages on a periodic basis, for all your contacts for every occasion that you can think of? 

Let's say when a certain Encik Dharma whom you've met in KL Book Fair 2008 last year received 5 SMSes from you, each in let's say Ramadan, Aidilfitri, Nuzul Qur'an, AidilAdha and Ma'al Hijrah/New Year; each with a heart warming message that bears your name or office. 

Now, wouldn't it be easier to strike a conversation were you to meet this Encik Dharma somewhere in the UMNO Convention 2009 this year? Definitely. How about setting an appointment; in which he will retort "Yeah, I know you. The guy who remembers to send a season's greetings SMS to me without fail these last two years." Or something like that.

My question here is, how much would you like to pay for it, if such a thing I could offer to you right now?

Read more HERE.


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